England Senior Men’s Team 2019 EU Nations, Brno June 12th – 16th 2019

All our pics and video clips of England Men’s team at the 2019 EU Nations, including interviews are available on our Flickr account here

The Senior Men’s team selected by Head Coach, Tim Dunsbee to represent England at the 2019 EU Nations Event:

Connor Carpenter,

Lewis Daly,

Jordan Elliot,

Dylan Green,

Matthias Madden,

Daniel Paddon,

Michael Patterson,

Peter Pickford,

Rudi Polster,

John Pratt,

Christopher Sturtevant,

Isaac Wass,

Aaron Winstanley,

Joel Leighton,

Finley Parnell


University Water Polo

University water polo competitions in the UK are provided by 2 organisations...


Featured News

Welcome to our July edition of the England Water Polo club news!

As the sun comes out and summer is here, the outdoor polo season is starting in the UK. We have news of 2 exciting events run by MANUP! in the coming months and advise you to get in touch with the organisers if you are interested. There’s a mixed U15 event at the Nantwich Lido in July, and then the Senior Men’s and Women’s tournament in the Salford Quays in August. From experience of previous years tournaments these are a lot of fun and not to be missed.


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