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Welcome to our July ‘not-quite-back-in-the-water-yet’ newsletter! - June 30, 2020

June was a strange month starting off with high hopes as we looked forward to swimming pools opening but ending in frustration as it became clear that swimming pools would not re-open on 4 July as initially expected.

However, the water polo community is nothing if not resourceful and it is a great testament to all the players, coaches and …


Swim England has published its ‘Return to the Pool’ guidance and it’s a must read - June 15, 2020

Swim England has published its long awaited ‘Return to the Pool’ guidance which is in 5 parts based on scientific advice and UK Government guidelines applicable at the date of publication, Mon June 15th 2020.

The guidance includes the National Governing Body’s recommendations for operators, casual swimmers, lane swimming, family-fun sessions, club activity, teachers and those attending swimming lessons. We …


Massive thanks to all our volunteers from Toby King - June 4, 2020

As part of National Volunteers week, Toby King, chair of Swim England’s Water Polo Leadership Group – and a volunteer – adds his thanks to everyone who makes water polo happen.