About us; our objectives and our privacy policy

Representing the independent voice of water polo in England and Great Britain, and managed by Chris Dean, the Water Polo England site brings you England and GBR water polo news, results and more. The site has 2 clear objectives, namely:

1  To act as a responsive and responsible water polo community archive and resource, maintaining an accessible database of all England and wider GBR water polo activity for the community, and

2  To provide communication within the community about all current and future water polo activity in England and GBR.

The Water Polo England site and its web managers are completely independent of Swim England (previously the ASA), but are supportive of the efforts of Swim England and its Water Polo Management Group to bring leadership and strategic direction to water polo in England and GBR.

This a project run for the benefit of the water polo community in England. If you feel that we are missing something, or should change our approach in any way please tell us. We welcome your comments and suggestions…and offers to help!

For the avoidance of doubt it should be noted as follows:

i.  Neither this website, nor its web managers, have any role in, or connection with, the management or governance of the sport of water polo in England or GBR.

ii. The use of the term ‘Official Partners’ on this site refers to partners/sponsors of this website, Water Polo England only, and does not express or imply any relationship between our partners/sponsors and Swim England whatsoever.

Please click here for details of our privacy policy



Chris Dean

provides website management for the Water Polo England site


University Water Polo

University water polo competitions in the UK are provided by 2 organisations...


Featured News

Keeping you updated with water polo club news across the country, our monthly newsletter is out

This has been another exciting month with City of Manchester pulling off an amazing double victory in the Super 5s as their men’s and women’s teams won their respective super 5 crowns. The men’s event came down to a thrilling finale with City of Manchester playing Polytechnic for a winner takes all showdown. City of Manchester secured a 15-12 victory over last year’s champions to take the crown while Sutton & Cheam secured their place in the Champions Cup with a 5-9 victory over Cheltenham and Welsh Wanderers took the third spot.


Official Partners